
Location Analytics Made Simple. Make faster and better decisions based on reliable spatial insights.


No Code

As easy as drag-and-drop.
No geographical expertise needed.

Time saving

Instant insights, Faster business decisions.

Easy data integration

Internal and external data upload. Multiple file formats accepted.

GIS Visualisation

Location Analytics

Understand customers behaviour

Observe how and where your customers relate with your stores, either in physical or digital world. Detect behavioural patterns and create territorial profiles.

Identify the best location for stores

Make better expansion decisions with location intelligence as your competitive edge (e.g. where to open or close stores) by crossing demographics, competitors, footfall, traffic and other datasets, without the need for external consulting. 



Increase ROI on geomarketing

Increase revenue and customer base by focusing marketing campaigns on places with higher business potential. Leverage geospatial analysis to empower data-driven campaigns.