Mobile GIS - What’s in it for me?

What is Mobile GIS?

In the modern world, GIS (Geographic Information Systems) data collection has become an integral part of many industries, from environmental conservation to agriculture. Many organizations are using modern GIS software and location-specific mobile devices to collect information about the environment and make better decisions based on that information. What exactly is mobile GIS software? Why do you need it? And how can it help your business? In this article, we’ll look at these questions and more to give you a solid overview of what mobile GIS software is and why it has become so popular in recent years.

What is Mobile GIS ?

Mobile devices are increasingly being used for collecting and processing location data, also known as geospatial information. This process of gathering mobile data is referred to as mobile data collection. Mobile data collectors usually carry a handheld device, such as a tablet or mobile phone, that’s equipped with location-aware software designed to receive and analyse live data feeds.

Benefits of using Mobile GIS

Mobile data collection allows you to collect and view location-specific information in real time from any remote location. The use of mobile technology makes it possible for employees to share important data with each other instantaneously. Mobile GIS also increases productivity because professionals can access important information about a project site at any time and can make decisions based on that data. By using mobile technology, organizations can increase their efficiency by working on multiple projects at once and accessing resource materials quickly and conveniently.

Benefits of Mobile GIS include:-

1. Save money. By a mobile GIS workflow, you can reduce or eliminating your reliance on paper processes.

2. Improve data accuracy. Another significant benefit to mobile GIS is that the data is collected more accurately. Reduce human-error and speed up data collection.

3. Access GIS data in the field. Mobile GIS can be used to monitor location data in real-time. Staff can make critical decisions more confidently by having access to live data.

4. Online/offline. Field workers can now access applications and make edits in the field whether they’re online or offline. If data is entered while offline, that data can be synchronized once the worker is back in internet coverage. Faster more accurate data collection.


GBM Konect Mobile GIS is the leading Mobile GIS solution in Australia. The software combines enterprise geospatial data with mobile GPS capability, allowing businesses to monitor and analyse real-time location information through their phones & tablets. With GBM Konect Mobile GIS, users can collect data directly from their smartphones or from handheld devices such as tablet computers or ruggedized PDAs.


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